Wednesday 25 May 2016


"The world is a book and those who do not travel read only a page... Saint Augustine

Other than music, if there exists any other thing that really gets me excited is the idea of travelling. Family travel is a time to bond, right from the time of choosing a destination to listing out the places to visit, to shop and eat, to the additions of souvenirs to the collections that adorns are walls- travelling is in its true sense, pure magic.

Each place on earth has its own charm, its beauty and uniqueness, each trip of mine has enriched me with a great experience. Whether its the culture of the land, its food or its natural beauty, I have always come back home with a bagful of memories. 

As Francis Bacon rightfully said " Travel, in the younger sort, is a part of education; in the elder, a part of experience." Travelling teaches you tolerance, it teaches you to imbibe and understand other cultures. You make friends - some for the trip/journey, some for life. 

Travelling enhances your knowledge, it widens your outlook. You come back wanting to change a few things and count your blessings for the others ! like Clifton Fadiman said "When you travel, remember that a foreign country is not designed to make you comfortable, it is designed to make its own people comfortable" 

So the idea is to be patient and enjoy the experience. Relate to the places that measure the length and breadth of earth from the Greenwich Meridian in UK to the equator line in Kenya. From the submarine dive in Mauritius to the parasailing in Thailand, from the Land of Disney to the little known but beautiful parts of Russia, travel the world and appreciate the beauty that God has blessed this earth with ❕❕❕❕❕

Magnets we collected from around the world👇

Sasha Fernandes

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