Saturday 7 May 2016

How Music Influences People

Music can often distract people and cause influential changes in peoples life. People such as Micheal Jackson has influenced the lives of Beyonce,Lady Ga Ga, Bruno Mars and much more. Music can have such an impact in our life that we may find our self acting and dressing like a certain music artist. Sometimes music can have subliminal messages in them telling us what to do such the Beatles's song “Help” contains an interesting reverse music backward message. This song was recorded at around the time the Beatles began to experiment with drugs. The reversal says. “Now he uses marijuana.” There is no superimposed soundtrack and the chorus also sings marijuana in the background. We may unintentionally sing these songs and get attracted to their catchy tunes but little does anybody know of the hidden messages in their songs. For example in Beyonce's hit song "Single Ladies (Put A Ring on It) there is a hidden message when you reverse the sing you get”Lean on me. Follow Lucifer. People are scared. Evil..No one might escape. People are scared. The world will bow down to Lucifer. Follow Lucifer. The world will not have fun. The world will bow down to me. Peoples’ tears fall. Ha ha ha, ha ha ha. Lean on me. Light & Darkness (repeated). He’s evil. Get in my head.“. Music artist often use this to their advantage and poison people's mind, mostly the youth ,and this is why music is very influencing to people and can be very dangerous as they can enter people's mind and change them.       

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