Wednesday 25 May 2016

Social Dynamics and Communication Skills

The society around us is changing day by day and with this people around us are also changing. Change in the sense that they are becoming more attentive. So in order to accommodate ourselves with these changes there is a need to develop a better communication skill with the people living around us and also to maintain the social dynamics as well as prosperity of the society.
 " An Eloquent person is the one which has a better listening ability."
 So one should have a better listening ability in order to attain better communication skill.
Listening is the utmost part for developing the communication skills.
 Listening skills basically are composed of two part :
   1) Non Verbal skills
   2) Verbal skills

This is basically a kind of mute conversation between the speaker and the listener. This skill could be developed by following ways.

   a.) PAYING FULL ATTENTION TO THE SPEAKER :- Whatever the speaker is trying to convey should be listened very carefully. Each and every sentence should be analyzed.
  b.) BEING AWARE OF NON VERBAL MESSAGES FROM THE SPEAKER :- One should try to grasp out the feelings of the speaker. It is very necessary to understand the body language as well as feelings expressed by the speaker during his/her speech.
This is basically a voice conversation between the speaker and the listener. This skill could be developed by following ways.

 a.) PAYING ATTENTION TO THE WORDS AND FEELINGS OF THE SPEAKER :- One should carefully listen each and every word of the speaker and should try to understand the aim of the speaker on using those words.

 b.) USE OF REFLECTIVE TOOLS :- After carefully listening to the speaker one should try to summarize the speech and should question back to the speaker in order to develop a better mutual understanding between the speaker and the listener.
Reflective tools can be :-

a.) PARAPHRASING :- A brief and succinct statement that reflects the content of speakers message.

 b.) REFLECTING FEELINGS :- A brief statement that reflects complete feelings of the speaker.

 c.) QUESTIONING :- After listening to speaker, one should cross question the speaker to clarify the doubts.

 d.) SUMMARIZING :- Conclude the content of the speaker.
In fact, when a mother simply establishes eye contact and communicates with her child, she helps activate specific regions in her child’s brain, which support social, cognitive, and communication development. When these regions in the brain develop slowly or function atypically, the global effects on a child can be profound, often leading to social impairments and language disorders, for example.
Jerica Tauro

        Image result for Social Dynamics and Communication Skills  Image result for Social Dynamics and Communication Skills

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