Friday 27 May 2016


Oh, Hi there didn't see you. So today I am going to be sharing with some very BIZARRE SUPERSTTIONES FROM AROUND THE WORLD.

In Brazil...

It's bad luck to let your wallet or purse hit the floor, as it means you will lose money.

In China...
The number 4 and all iterations thereof (14, 24, etc.) are incredibly unlucky, as the Chinese pronunciation of the number is nearly identical to that of the Chinese pronunciation of the word "death.

In Denmark...

Broken dishes are collected and saved year-round, to be thrown at the houses of friends and family on New Year's Eve. The bigger the pile of porcelain, the more good fortune they will have in the New Year.

In Egypt...

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It's viewed as frightfully bad luck to open and close scissors without cutting anything, and even worse to leave them open. However, the Egyptians also believe that scissors under a pillow can cure a person of their nightmares.

In France...
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It is good luck to step in dog poop with your left foot, but bad luck to step on it with your right foot.

In Greece...

They have their own version of "jinx." When two people say the same thing at the same time, they must instead utter "Piase Kokkino" (touch red) and touch the color red to avoid the otherwise inevitable fight.

In Haiti...

Life's treacherous for a mom. For example, if you walk with only one shoe on, sweep the floor at night, move around on your knees, or eat the tops of watermelons and/or grapefruits... then you may have already brought about the untimely death of your mother.

In Japan...

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Children are warned to hide their stomachs during thunderstorms, especially before sleeping. It is believed that if you are not careful, Raijin (the god of thunder) will steal and eat your belly button during a storm.

In Korea...

Especially in South Korea, it is believed that running a fan in a closed room while sleeping will kill you.

In Lithuania...

Whistling indoors is forbidden since it is believed that doing so will summon wee devils that will terrorize you.


In Malaysia...

Sitting on a pillow will cause your butt and backside to be covered in boils, blisters, and sores.




They have all but done away with superstitions, instead teaching students that such beliefs are forbidden. However, it was once believed that spiders had the power to control and extinguish house fires, so they should not be killed.


In Rwanda...

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Women are taught from an early age to avoid the meat of goats, as eating it will cause them to grow beards.


In Turkey... 

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It's bad form to chew gum at night, as the Turkish believe that after dark, the gum essentially becomes the flesh of dead people.


In the United States...

Particularly around the state of Vermont, many 19th century farmhouses were built with slanted "witch windows," due to the commonly-held belief that witches could not fly their brooms into a tilted opening.


In Vietnam...
Many foods are avoided by students hoping to do well in school or on exams. Bananas, for example, are avoided by students because they are slippery, and the Vietnamese word for "slip" sounds exactly the same as the Vietnamese word for  "fail."


In Wales...

Making a hat out of hazel sticks and leaves and wearing it can grant you one wish.


In Yemen...

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A pregnant woman can determine the gender of her unborn baby by throwing a dead snake up in the air. If the snake lands on its back, the baby will be a girl. If it lands upright, the baby will be a boy.


- By Krista Fidelia

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